Millennium National School

Questions answered

I will now try to list down and answer some of the most common admission related questions I hear from parents.

1. What if me and my family are out of the country or in another city? What happens then? Can I still secure admission?
Yes! You can still secure admission. You basically need to read our website really carefully. Look at the admission procedure. Make sure you have understood all the rules and regulations of the school. Take a look at our sample papers etc. Let us know how your child has fared on the sample tests. After you let us know, someone you know can come and fill out the admission form for you, and pay the deposit to secure the admission.

2. How can they make their child actually appear for the eligibility test?
We can make your child appear for the test once you come to Pune.

3. How can they send the required documents?
You can give us the required documents once you get to Pune.

4. Can we fill the form online?
Unfortunately, no. It occupies a very high position on our to-do lists. 🙂 Till we manage to do it, someone needs to physically fill out a form in the school.

5. Do we need to attend the first parents meeting?
Yes. This meeting is very important. Especially for new parents. Here, Dr. Phatak talks about the various rules and regulations that you need to know about. He also explains what is going to be done in the year for a particular class. ID cards and van details are mentioned on this day.

6. What do we do if we miss it?
You will have to learn as you go along.

7. Can my ward join in between the year?
That depends on whether we have place in that class.

8. Can you suggest a good time and age for us to move?
The move to India should be planned in such a way that your child gets a break from school. (S)he should also get some time to adjust to the Indian surroundings – the weather, the neighbours, the food/water, the surroundings etc. If enough time isn’t given, then the school adds on to the list of things that need to be adjusted to quickly. And that can be difficult. We are very accommodating to students who come from other places, because we know what they are going through. You, the parent, needs to be accommodating too. The child should get at least a 15 day break before school starts.
About the age, we suggest as early as possible. Before Std.3. After that, it becomes increasingly difficult to adjust to the Indian conditions, and studies. The Indians stress on writing, while in other countries its more on reading. Not that children don’t adjust- they do, and we have a lot of them who have – its just that their patience tends to run out.

9. What about water and the food? Can my child adjust to it?
In the school, yes. We serve non oily, non spicy vegetarian food (Marathi food). Our water is membrane filtered (filters germs upto 3 microns) – so its very safe. We serve standard milk for breakfast. But, we don’t force children, who have come from out of India, to eat everything from the first day. We give them some time. But eventually, they have to eat at least the first serving of what is given to them.

10. Why does Millennium admit children who are 3 years of age into JUNIOR KG? Shouldn’t they be going to Nursery?
This is because according to the Government circular, a child can be 5 years old when he goes to Std.1. This means that the child should be in Nursery when (s)he is 2 years old.

I shall keep adding to this post as and when I get any other questions.


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