Millennium National School

Activities to do this Diwali vacation

There are tons of activities to do in the Diwali vacation – if you look hard enough! I have listed some and will put up more if I see anything else.
1. Visit the school library and read books! (Our library system runs on the open source Koha system, by the way). Or, you could also visit the British Council Library
2. Arvind Gupta’s website for various craft and science experiments
3. Create a sun dial customized for your location
4. If your child is learning to read, Starfall is a great resource. Plus books by Kohwai and Young are awesome too. Turning children into readers is the first step to success.
5. Check out some delicious bookmarks that we have made

I will keep adding stuff to this list as I find more and more…
Got something you would like to share? Post it in the comments!


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