Millennium National School

Activity Based Education

Dear Parents,
For the Std. 3rd & 4th some homework is given under the Activity Based Education Scheme. These exercises are extremely helpful in developing their concentration, instrument handling skills and patience of working.
In addition, it also helps in improving their writing speed and mathematical abilities. Hence, they have to be allotted some of your time, attention and guidance to complete this project.
Here are some examples done by our Teacher-Resource Persons as well as by some students.
Exercise 1: 10 Random Lines
1. Joining two points using scale
2. Handling of scale
3. Develop larger eye-span
4. Identifying Geometric shapes like triangles, rectangles, pentagons etc.
5. Filling the shapes in different colours, thereby developing colour sense.
1. Join the pairs of points marked on two different borders
2. Some pattern will be generated
3. Fill this up using sketch pens
4. Students should try to fill this up using “pattern filling” method and not “BLOCK”colours filling


Exercise 2: 10 Meaningful Lines
Purpose: Same as Exercise 1, but further advanced to think how some meaningful object can be trapped in straight lines.


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