The path of life has many ups and downs and it is always very uncertain what will happen next. That is why we need ‘Gurus’ to lead us on the correct path! Hence, Guru Purnima is celebrated to acknowledge the contribution of the teachers. So, who is the first and the most important teacher in everyone’s life? It is their very own mother. Mother is the first and the best teacher. It is rightly said that – “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” It is the mother who sees the first smile on the lips of the child and makes it a permanent one with her teaching.
At Millennium, we celebrated Guru Purnima on Friday, 31th July, 2015 in the KG premises. The day started with an interesting story- telling session to educate the kids about Guru Purnima. The Guru Pournima-special stories were Shamchi aai for Nursery, Eklavya and Dronacharya for Jr. KG and Shivaji Maharaj and Jijabai for Sr. KG. The teachers also explained the importance of a guru in our life. There was the sweet and touching moment when all the KG kids made greeting cards for their mothers, their first guru in life who taught them all the good things. Each card had “Aai Maza Guru” written on the top. Inside the card, the kids were instructed to draw and colour anything to express themselves freely. They drew day to day objects like cakes, houses, flowers, butterfly, streams, landscape, earrings, puppet, lollipops, balloons, snake, crocodile and apple. At the end, they chanted the “Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnu” shloka which they had learned in class and sang a song to the Gurus.
Gurus are often equated with God and regarded as a link between the individual and the immortal. Guru’s role in the evolution of men is supremely important. So now we know why Millennium National School has kept alive the lamp of Guru tatva, year after year, to reaffirm its belief and allegiance to the Guru-Shishya “parampara” or tradition. May our Gurus continue to shine and be the guides and the torchbearers of society!
- KG Guru Purnima
- KG Guru Purnima
- KG Guru Purnima