Millennium National School

Admissions for the next academic year (2009-2010) are now open!

We are glad to announce that admissions for the next academic year are now open for Nursery and Jr. KG. From Dec. 15 2008, they will open for Sr. KG onwards!  We are admitting students from Nursery, right up to the 10th grade. As usual, seats are very limited!

What has changed in the admission procedure? Not much, really. We will be accepting forms during the week, and holding a collective meeting of the prospective parents on the following weekend (Saturdays). This is also the time when we will conduct eligibility tests for the children, so bringing the child is compulsory. Parents will take a tour of the school for about 30 min. along with the kids. The kids will then be entertained in a hall where a lot of toys will keep them occupied. Parents will have a meeting with Dr. Phatak and can get their doubts, if any, clarified. It is expected that the parents visit the website (which you are!), have a look at the DVD ( given along with the admission form ) and the fee structure before attending the meeting. For KG, the test is conducted by the parents. Parents are free to come and talk to us regarding the tests. We have no problem in helping out. The list of selected students will be put on the school notice board on every Monday at 10 am. ( till admissions last ). The admissions can be confirmed by making the necessary payments by 3 pm on Friday of the same week. If the admission procedure is not completed by 3 pm on the Friday then the name on the list is considered canceled.

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