Millennium National School

Celebrating the 30-Year Alumni!

One of the most looked forward events of the year, the Alumni 2045 was conducted recently in the school with much pomp and show. The trendsetters of tomorrow took a ride of being an alumni today! It was a delightful moment to watch Std 10th students tell their success stories from all walks of life.


Be it designing clothes for Hollywood celebrities, Bollywood film direction and designing BMWs and Ferraris to robotic engineering and programming languages in Sanskrit, each field was different from one another.


This just goes to prove that we are all unique and it’s this uniqueness that brings out our greatness. All this is only possible by following the Millennium National School mantra of dedication and perseverance. The youngsters seemed like they had touched the sky already and turned their dream of touching the stars into reality.


How did that happen? They all shared their experiences and the common thread running through them were the values of being human in life. This was the sole motivating force behind their success tales.


It was this value that helped them see and be in tune with future trends. For example finding the connection between Marine Biology and Medicine in 2022, where you could cure cancer with seaweed and perform surgery with corals.


So this is a lesson for our existing students. When we interweave our values with our innate talent and hard work, we churn out tried and proven success stories like these. Our alumni students did it. You can do it too!


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