Millennium National School

Future engineers and scientists of India

More than 400 young minds were busy demonstrating the intricacies of ‘How things work’ on 25th August. It was the day of the science fair – and the little geniuses enthusiastically demonstrated and showed the working of many complex operations!

The scope for learning was really great on this day. There were three levels of expertise. The ‘learners’, who were the beginners, explained principles and showed how they are applied in daily life. The ‘scorchers’ showed how body organs worked, energy transformations and how simple machines work. As the level changed to ‘experts’ and ‘masters’ the projects became more complex – like a V6 engine, seismograph and even a Mars rover, just to name a few.

The students explained things well – and even withstood intense cross questioning. Their confidence and clarity of thought was commendable. The judges assessed the projects strictly, but came out smiling – as the effort put in and the output seen was truly something to appreciate! Dr Vijay Bhatkar, chancellor of the India International Multiversity (and also the leader in making India’s first supercomputer – Param) visited the exhibition to encourage the children.

He was impressed with the efforts and systematic display of the participants.“The team work put in was evident in the way the children presented the project and their enthusiasm was contagious”, he remarked.

Dr. Bhatkar lauded the topics selected by the children and the correct application of the facilities and exposure available to the children, from young age. He added that “A humane approach and right values will enrich their scientific thinking. The future of these kids is bright with this combination,” he said.

Dr. Bhatkar spent time talking to the children. He advised the students to take failure in their stride and give each task their best shot without the fear of disappointment.

Many parents visited the exhibits and their response to encourage our budding minds was overwhelming. Everyone keenly asked questions and appreciated the efforts put in by the young scientists.

We plan to have an interschool science exhibition too, as our students have turned quite proficient at it!

The turnout was amazing and the atmosphere was saturated with learning. And for all this, a big thank you to the students, teachers and parents for an amazing event.


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