Millennium National School

Kolhapur trip update

I know that the Kolhapur trip was done a long time back, but its better to be late than never!

The day began early at 6am when all enthusiastic kids came to the school with sleepy parents!

The kids had a gala time at the Kent Club Resort in Kolhapur. It was a recreational as well as an educational tour. The first day was spent at The Kent Club where the kids swam in the pool, went to the biggest Snow World in Maharashtra, played in the park, went on train rides, saw a horror show, and danced. In the evening, the children saw a cultural show called “Maharashtrachi Lokadhara”, where traditional art and dances were presented by local artists. Kent Club had bunk beds for children to sleep in. They had loads of fun chatting away through the night and sleeping on the beds!

The next day started early, as the kids had to travel to see the fort of Panhala. Panhala was one of the strategic forts of Shivaji Maharaj, and it was good that the children went there, so that they could see for themselves all the hardships that Shivaji had to go through!

Next, they went to Shahu Maharaj’s palace, which was beautiful, and had a lot of world class wax statues.

That took up most of the day, after which they headed back to Pune.

They came to the school late at night, making the 2 days that they spent one of the most memorable trips of their lives!

Here are some pictures that we took on the trip:


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