Millennium National School

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We have a Spell Bee 2009 winner from Pune!

The school recently hosted a Spell Bee competition on Saturday 19th December 2009. The Spell Bee is the official Indian version of the famous American Spelling Bee contest.

It was conducted by the Times of India Group andhad about 135 schools participating in the event.There were 1200 students participating in the event. The Times Group folks had selected about 10 candidates from these schools. The participating schools were from all over – Pune, Kolhapur, Solapur, Nasik, etc.

There was a written round of 100 questions, which was quite easy for our children, given that they are so used to getting those questions on myEshala!

From 1200 students, 10 were chosen for the final audio visual round. What was so special about this? There were TWO children from our school in the final 10! Wow – think about that a little. 1200 children participated. 10 were chosen. 2 of them were from Millennium National School. That means for the second round, less than 1 percent were chosen from the first round. Out of those ten, two were from our school! Wow. That, in itself, is a feat! Even if we had no winners, the school would be proud of these two children – Neel Kelkar and Chinmay Markale!

Neel Kelkar

Chinmay Markale

The children were put through 4 rounds of intense spelling tests, and out emerged the winner – Neel Kelkar from Millennium National School! Any guesses on who was the runner up? Chinmay Markale! Again, WOW!

So, now, it is easily possible for us to proudly say because of Neel and Chinmay, that our school is an authority in English speaking and reading in and around Pune!

The participating schools were from different boards – SSC, CBSE, ICSE and IB. There were convents and non-convents. After this win, it would be safe to say that not only is our school the best, but also that convents don’t matter in English reading and writing capabilities of children (which is a popular misconception). One more important point is of the syllabus. If all the other syllabi other than SSC were “advanced”, why weren’t there performances like ours? So, as we go around clearing misconceptions, here we go again – there is hardly any difference between the syllabi! Believe it, or not.

Well, that was a long post! And I hope you share our joy and wish Neel the very best for the National Spell Bee Final that is going to be held in Mumbai on Jan 9, 2010!

Here is the article from Times of India, dates 20th December 2009:

Kids shine at Badminton

I have great pleasure in announcing that our school children have won the district level badminton championship tournament organized by the Shiv Rudra Pratishthan.

1. Sujoy Shivde got the Gold medal in the Under-12 category (Boys).

2. Sakshi Shelar got the Gold medal in the Under-12 category (Girls).

3. Narsing Pochiraju / Vedant Gore and Vedang Date / Chinmay Bhelke won the Bronze medal in the Under-14 doubles category.

In addition to that, we also got a Champions Trophy, as we were the only school with so many wins!

Over 20 schools participated in the event, and our school was the most prominent of all!

Kudos to these children and our Badminton coach who takes out extra time to coach our team!

Kolhapur trip update

I know that the Kolhapur trip was done a long time back, but its better to be late than never!

The day began early at 6am when all enthusiastic kids came to the school with sleepy parents!

The kids had a gala time at the Kent Club Resort in Kolhapur. It was a recreational as well as an educational tour. The first day was spent at The Kent Club where the kids swam in the pool, went to the biggest Snow World in Maharashtra, played in the park, went on train rides, saw a horror show, and danced. In the evening, the children saw a cultural show called “Maharashtrachi Lokadhara”, where traditional art and dances were presented by local artists. Kent Club had bunk beds for children to sleep in. They had loads of fun chatting away through the night and sleeping on the beds!

The next day started early, as the kids had to travel to see the fort of Panhala. Panhala was one of the strategic forts of Shivaji Maharaj, and it was good that the children went there, so that they could see for themselves all the hardships that Shivaji had to go through!

Next, they went to Shahu Maharaj’s palace, which was beautiful, and had a lot of world class wax statues.

That took up most of the day, after which they headed back to Pune.

They came to the school late at night, making the 2 days that they spent one of the most memorable trips of their lives!

Here are some pictures that we took on the trip:

M.A.D show in the school

M.A.D – the super-creative show on POGO channel on TV is coming to our school! The dates are from 27th December 2009 to 3rd January 2009. We’ve already sent you a circular about the details. The organizers have a presentation which can be downloaded here (its a ZIP file with individual JPEG images – the original presentation was 35MB).

See you all there!

Kolhapur trip on 3rd and 4th December

After many delays, the Kolhapur trip is set to go finally on the 3rd and 4th of December! I will put up some pictures once we get back!

Unit 2 exam schedule

Here is the Unit 2 exam schedule for all classes. Please look up your class of interest accordingly.

Registering latest email addresses with the school

We would like to have the latest email addresses of parents with the school for sending non-critical or lengthy messages. [Pardon the crude look]

Please register here.

In case you have multiple email addresses, you can re-submit using the same link.

New circular for the meeting on Saturday – 12th Sept 2009

Here it is.

Kolhapur trip postponed

In lieu with the NTS examinations on the 8th of November, we have postponed the trip to Kolhapur to 12th and 13th November 2009.

Plan for the loss of school days due to swine flu holidays

Dear Parents and Students,

Because of the current pandemic, we have missed 9 school days. The press has also been publishing decisions of various schools – how they plan to complete the portion, cancel unit tests etc. Reading all that has made members of the Millennium Family quite anxious to know what our school plans to do and we have been getting a lot of panic calls. We have just lost 9 days of school. Many schools that are panicking were closed much before we were and had lost a lot of school time. Additionally, these schools had to cancel unit tests etc. We were already way ahead of them to begin with. You know, we had finished our unit tests and had a week of school before we had to shut down. So, my first advice to you is – DON’T PANIC!

We have made a very comprehensive study of the textbooks with our teachers in this break and have made a plan of how to make up for the lost portion. There is a different plan for each standard.

Basically, the gist of it is that we have dropped a lesson or two from this unit and we will make it up in the next two units as we have enough working days there. So the portion will not suffer. This is for all classes up to 8th.

However for students of 4th, 7th appearing for the scholarship exams and 8th for NTS exam, we do not have the luxury of making up the portion in the last units as we have to complete most of the portion early. So these students shall be called in on Saturdays and also on a few days of the Diwali vacation in the last week. The details will be conveyed to the students once school starts.

Students of 9th and 10th will be coming to school for the last week of Diwali – the week of the 26th. They will have full day school on these days. The 9th standard will finish 9th standard portion during this time and the 10th will finish the 10th standard portion. So when the whole school starts the 9th will start with 10th portion and the 10th will start with prelims.

So for all students, we will have a few more lessons than planned in the last two units of school. We are going to make an additional facility available for students of std. 3 to 8 in the third and fourth unit. We will be giving all students the facility to access lectures from home. That way they can listen to the lectures again at home and take a lot of practice tests as well. This will help them cope up with the additional portion that they have to study.

We have also cancelled class tests for this unit and have added 10 marks to their papers. That way we will not lose those periods to weekly tests and can utilize them to complete the portion. Then we can execute our plan comfortably.

Another important note is that we have postponed the Kolhapur trip. This has been done so that the children do not have to come together in a group while the pandemic is still on. The trip will now be conducted on 5th and 6th November (Thu and Fri).

While the children are at home, ask them to practice mathematics of the previous unit. They can read Balbharati lessons that will be taught to them in class. Let them also try their hand at reading newspapers and referring to a dictionary for difficult words.

Students who are appearing for competitive exams soon (std 4, 7, 8) should read ahead and be ready for an accelerated learning program when school starts. Keep in touch with Mathematics. Read a lot of story books. Students of class 1 and 2 and kindergarten can refer to  as they may be too young to read story books themselves. If you like drawing or craft, this is a good time to do a lot of that too. Get a mechano and try making different instruments. You can also do research on a topic of your choice. All of you have access to the internet. Use this break to your best advantage and make the most of it.

Good luck and see you soon.

Dr. Sudheer Phatak.